住房 & 居住生活

安全 & 安全


通常是每个月的第三周, the HRL staff will inspect your room to ensure that you are in compliance with 住房 & 居住生活政策和健康安全政策. 如果你不遵守政策, 你将被记录在案并采取纪律处分. 一定要仔细阅读所有的政策.


大学官员, 包括人权理事会的工作人员, 保留进入您房间的权利, 已锁定或未锁定, 在任何时候都被认为是必要的. Entry may be required for the immediate resolution of problems such as rule enforcement, 维护问题, 疾病, 危害, 以及其他类似的紧急情况. HRL staff members are not allowed to let other students in your room without your written permission.


您的房间钥匙将在入住时发给您. You will be responsible for turning in your key when you check-out of the residence hall. 密钥不能重复. 如果您丢失了钥匙,请立即向人力资源办公室报告. The locks will be changed for your protection and your account will be charged $85 per lock that is changed.


If you find yourself locked out of your room between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm Monday – Friday, 到HRL办公室借用“锁死”钥匙. 这把钥匙必须在24小时内归还. If you are locked out after office hours, or on a weekend, see the RA on duty.


所有宿舍(派克宿舍除外), College Creek Apartments and College Park Apartments) are equipped with electronic access to outer doors. There are at least two perimeter doors in each building which will be accessible electronically. The magnetic stripe on the back of your UM ID Card will provide you access to your building after hours. As you swipe your card through the reader, the door will unlock and allow you entry. 只有住在那栋楼里的居民才能进入.

Since the card reader uses the magnetic stripe to read your card, 不要打孔或损坏您的卡! 如果你想把钥匙挂在身份证上, we suggest you use one of the UM ID Card holders available from the UM 书店. 如果你丢失了身份证,请及时报失 立即 到UM解决方案中心.

With this comes shared responsibility for the security of all the residents of the hall. 所有居民应:


Report any lost or stolen cards 立即 to the Solution Center. A new card will be issued to you for a fee and your old card will be disabled.

请记住,发给您的卡片仅供您使用. 任何时候都不要让别人用你的卡.

NOTE:  Tampering with or vandalizing electronic access equipment in the buildings is a very serious offense! 如果你注意到损坏, 或者你看到有人在破坏设备, 立即向UMPD或大厅工作人员报告.


Each residence hall is equipped with one Emergency Call Box on the exterior of the building. Be sure you know where your building’s Emergency Call Box is located. Each Emergency Call Box is equipped with telephone touch pads and an emergency button. The emergency button automatically calls the UM Police Department and should be used for emergencies only.


如果你怀疑你的财产被盗了, contact the University Police Department (205-665-6155) as soon as possible after the article is discovered missing.

澳门在线赌城娱乐和住房 & 居住生活 Office are not responsible for loss of or damage to personal property.

个人财产包括, 但不限于, 服装, 家具, 电脑, 运动器材, 书, 留在仓库的物品, 留在洗衣房的物品, 等. This policy includes damage and loss due to water, fire, mildew, theft, natural disaster, 等.

如果您的物品损坏或丢失, you must file with your personal insurance company for recovery of cost. If you are not sure whether your belongings are covered by insurance, 向你父母的保险公司查询. You are encouraged to purchase renters insurance to cover loss or damage.


Fire and safety equipment in the residence halls is necessary and protects life and property. However, this equipment does no good if it is not in proper working order or if used improperly. 退出的迹象, 灭火器, 软管, 警报, 烟雾探测器, and heat sensors are safety features which safeguard the residents in case of fire. 禁止以任何方式不当操作或损坏本设备. Familiarize yourself with the emergency escape routes and procedures that are posted in your room.


保持走廊畅通, 楼梯井和入口不要有箱子, 自行车及其他妨碍通行的物品.



不带烤面包机, 电煎锅, 热板, 微波, 空间加热器, 或其他开圈电器.



Do not burn candles, lanterns or other such “open flame” types of luminaries.


In accordance with University regulations, HRL conducts a fire drill at least once a semester. Failure to evacuate a residence hall during a fire drill will result in a fire safety violation. Remember, when an alarm sounds, always take the alarm seriously and assume there is a fire!


你们应该按照指定的疏散路线疏散. 千万不要使用电梯. If you encounter smoke or fire, use another route or return to your room if necessary. 一旦出了楼, go to the designated shelter area and do not reenter the building until you are told by a staff member that it is safe.

Remember: When a fire alarm sounds, always take the alarm seriously and assume there is a fire!